Welcome to the world Dream Morning Musume....
or rather...
Welcome back!
In response to the collective wishes of their fans, the members of Morning Musume who have all been in the group during their so-called "Golden Age" (plus Kusume Koharu) came back to the stage to do their songs again.
Now called Dream Morning Musume, they have 2 scheduled Tours this year plus an album. As expected, this album contains mostly their old hits. What makes this different from your average greatest hits package is that the songs are all or 90% remade. Yep, it's like their songs are being covered....by themselves. What can possibly beat that?
While not being a big fan of Morning Musume even if they were the first J-pop Idol group I listened to, I can't help being excited because, after all, this IS the Morning Musume I remember. I can't wait to listen to a made-over Love Machine and the 2011 version of the first ever MM/H!P song I ever heard: Morning Coffee.
I think the return of the OG should only bode well for the 9th Generation. They have this great opportunity to witness and hopefully perform with the ladies who are the prime reason that Morning Musume and Hello! Project exist. After all, these are the people who thought current leader Takahashi Ai everything she knows.
Now I don't know which I should buy: Maasa's DVD or DreamMusu....
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Random Ramblings Volume 3
If people ask me why I listen to Hello! Project when everybody in my country listens to K-pop, I say "Simple. Because I knew about Morning Musume and Berryz Kobo longer than I knew any of the current existing K-pop acts." If something is in your heart, it stays there.
No, I didn't grow up listening to Japanese Enka (I grew up listening to American Pop specifically Michael Jackson) but the songs are still music to my ears. Granted, none of these tunes will ever reach the status of my main idol, but there is something different when a music sung in a language foreign to my own makes me feel better.
Yes, you read that right: Hello! Project songs makes me feel better even if the lyrics themselves sometimes talk of heart-ache, loss, yearning and goodbyes. Incidentally, my favorite H!P song is "Bye Bye Mata Ne" by Berryz Kobo is about good-byes and the hope of seeing each other again. It has been my favorite even before my Idol Ishimura Maiha left Berryz Kobo after singing this song in the encore of the Aki Switch On! Tour in 2005. The song has since been identified with that graduation and with Maiha. Try looking up fan-made videos of Maiha in You Tube and in a lot of them you'll hear this song played on the background.
The song was never released as a single, but it remains today one of Berryz Kobo's most powerful songs.
Speaking of Maiha, there is little or no news at all about her but she did appear in Shinagawa Etoile's school uniform pamphlets for the last 2 years. In fact, the 2010 - 2011 pamphlet is one big factor why I returned to following Hello! Project. She also appears in her school's website.
OK, so I thought she was going back. But even if she isn't, seeing her 2010 face (and the fact that she seems to be doing very well) was enough for me.
I don't know if anyone else have noticed, but Maiha's face on the cover 2010-2011 is different from the pictures inside of it. The pictures inside (along with several images in the school's website) shows her having crooked teeth but her face in front clearly shows that it has been fixed. So I'm guessing that the cover photo was taken on a later date presumable after having some dental work done. She badly needed it too. Now she can flash her trademark dimpled smile and show her teeth.
Sometimes I wonder what a typical day might be for Tsugunaga Momoko. The helium-powered, vessel of pure energy is an Idol, a member of a main group (Berryz Kobo) and a sub-group (Buono!), has her own radio show (Tsugunaga Momoko Puri-Puri Princess), and is a student in a University (studying to become a teacher). On top of that, she has to go to rehearsals, events (solo or otherwise), tapings for DVD Magazines, vocal lessons, dance lessons, and on top of that, would have to tour.
On some photos posted by the other members in their Serend blog, Momo looks as if she was extremely tired. While photographs generally don't do much justice when it comes to the personal feelings of the individual idols, I think I can safely say that the load is causing her stress and fatigue. But considering that she still performs in her usual level and shows no sign of slowing down, I guess I should feel assured that Momo can pull it off like she normally does.
When I returned to following H!P, one of the first things that went into my mind is "Who the heck is that giant?" It took me exactly one minute to realize that the super-sized girl is Kumai Yurina.
When I stopped following H!P in 2005, Yurina (or Kumai-chan as she is fondly called) was just starting to hit her growth spurt. While I've noticed that a lot of Japanese kids suddenly shoot up in height at around 14 to 18 years of age, Kumai-chan's different because she grew taller every few months and there was a time that I think she grew several inches in a span of 6 months at least based on their pictures from 2005 to 2009 (sorry, I have no statistical records for the last 5 years to confirm this). It seems to me that her growth hormone hit over-drive and now we have basically the tallest active Hello! Project member and (quite possibly) the tallest of all time.
Nowadays, she's currently head and shoulders above everybody else. As in literally above every body else. She's easy to spot and for someone who's the second youngest in a group, her body is pretty mature.
Hold on to your horses gentlemen. She might look like a 20 year old but Kumai-chan is actually the second youngest in the group.
One of the things that sets this group apart is the stability of its line-up. Berryz Kobo has the most stable line-up in Hello! Project to date with only one member leaving for very legitimate reasons and no new additions.
For a man who formed the legendary Morning Musume, a group known for both their impact on the Japanese Idol industry and their notoriously unstable line-up, Tsunku held himself back and did not tamper with Berryz Kobo's roster. Another proof that Tsunku is still sane and knows what he is doing.
Honestly, I expected Tsunku to replace my Maiha after her graduation. The thought of her spot being given to someone else was pretty hard for me to bear but I didn't really turn my back on Hello! Project either. Maiha's graduation came at a time when it was getting hard for me to get updated on Hello! Project. I graduated college in 2005 and did not find work until 2007. That and the fact that I felt I was getting too emotional about something like an Idol's graduation made me want to take a break from following Hello! Project. In other words, I needed a reality check and to set my priorities in order.
Now that I am back, I am happy to see that the girls are still there sans Maiha. It took me a while to get used to their 2010 selves though, as part of me expected to see the little kids I used to watch. I guess part of the reason why Tsunku kept the line intact was because the group was better that way. Maiha's spot remained hers and hers alone. That is good enough for me, although I wouldn't mind it much if he eventually adds someone. I am way past throwing tantrums about it.
Speaking of Tsunku and Maiha, I read in scattered blogs and forums that Tsunku said in his blog that Maiha can return if she wants to after her studies are done. While I am happy about that bit of information, I was not able to see Tsunku's actual blog entry so I'm actually pretty reserved about it. Idols rarely return to a group they left from and since she left because she entered an elite school, there's a probability that she is aiming for a big University.
Besides, Maiha was a terrible dancer and a mediocre singer. Being off the stage for 5 years won't really improve her ability unless she joined a dance club and took voice lessons.
But hey, Michishige Sayumi is also a terrible dancer and a bad singer and she's in Morning Musume so there may be hope for Maiha after all. Heck, Sugaya Risako sings off-key during most of her live performances but she's given majority of the lines in a lot of songs.
And before Risako fans kill me, I wanna go on record to say I love that girl, but she still sings off-key during live performances. She's OK on the records though and her personality compensates for whatever difficulties she may have singing live. She remains as one of the most popular H!P members....
...but she still sings off-key. :P But Berryz Kobo will never be the same without her (besides, it's her we usually hear singing).
Going back to Maiha, I read somewhere that 'Tomodachi wa, Tomodachi Nanda!' was made for her.
Like the other Maiha related news I mentioned earlier, I haven't seen any official statement confirming this one. The song helped give them a number 3 ranking in Oricon: their highest yet. Moreover, the song feels like a message to Maiha.
Somewhere along the lines of "We're friends. Nothing can change that."
I want Sudo Maasa's movie real bad. However, since I am financially incapable of buying anything for the next 5 months (or until after I've paid for the PS3 I bought last November), the chances of me being able to buy the limited edition are slim.
Come to think of it, what I bought was a PS3 Slim. Damn.
But I am not losing hope that Dran and KIDS will immediately make a subbed version. OK, that's a lot pressure being put on wotas who make subtitles for these kinds of movies for us, but more than owning an original version, I'd like to be able to actually understand the story.
For me, understanding the story is the best way of complimenting Su-chan's efforts. The movie received generally positive reviews during it's short run in the theaters and it would be nice to watch a feel-good, well done Japanese teen-movie for a change.
Watch a good movie, support your idol, everybody is happy.
They call Maasa "the strongest Idol". While she was the strongest when they were younger (that Chisa video was really epic but I don't know if Maasa threw her down or playfully pushed her a little too hard) I don't know if it's still the case now.
That said, I saw a DVD video of them (not sure if it is a fan-club event...but yeah I think it IS a fan-club event) doing arm-wrestling. She destroyed Kumai Yurina in a matter of seconds. Quite a feat considering the uber-athletic Yajima Maimi took some time before dispatching Okai Chisato. Granted, even Momoko can hold her own against Kumai-chan, but given that the girls all try to avoid arm wrestling matches with Maasa proves that at least her reputation as the strongest is still intact.
I downloaded Yorosen!'s episode featuring Junjun "teaching" the Berryz regarding Train Station lunches. Now I understand why they call Junjun "panda".
While Yorosen! was unfairly labeled as a "failure" due in part because of C-ute's history segment (and the infamous 'Hitler Ojii-san'), I find the series generally appealing. There are a lot of fun moments and thankfully, a lot of them included the Berryz. "Games Master" Miya and Junjun's Train station bento ranks as one of the best (although I only saw Miya's games episode and not the whole week's segment).
Besides, the Japanese aren't really famous for being sensitive on matters relating to world history seeing as they still teach their own version to their school children. The only negative thing that I saw coming from this episode was the C-ute girls coming off as stupid or dumb on their own show. But the only people I'd call stupid AND dumb are the segment writers and the director for making the script and approving it respectively.
Thankfully, the Berryz episodes where OK. I did find Yurina's week a little boring but the first episode was epic (she came into the classroom wearing something 'fashionable' and the girls ended up too dumb-struck to speak. They can't even greet her straight).
Payday today! Not that it matters seeing as I'm gonna pay the bills anyway. But at least I can say that I had money for at least 24 hours.
No, I didn't grow up listening to Japanese Enka (I grew up listening to American Pop specifically Michael Jackson) but the songs are still music to my ears. Granted, none of these tunes will ever reach the status of my main idol, but there is something different when a music sung in a language foreign to my own makes me feel better.
Yes, you read that right: Hello! Project songs makes me feel better even if the lyrics themselves sometimes talk of heart-ache, loss, yearning and goodbyes. Incidentally, my favorite H!P song is "Bye Bye Mata Ne" by Berryz Kobo is about good-byes and the hope of seeing each other again. It has been my favorite even before my Idol Ishimura Maiha left Berryz Kobo after singing this song in the encore of the Aki Switch On! Tour in 2005. The song has since been identified with that graduation and with Maiha. Try looking up fan-made videos of Maiha in You Tube and in a lot of them you'll hear this song played on the background.
The song was never released as a single, but it remains today one of Berryz Kobo's most powerful songs.
Speaking of Maiha, there is little or no news at all about her but she did appear in Shinagawa Etoile's school uniform pamphlets for the last 2 years. In fact, the 2010 - 2011 pamphlet is one big factor why I returned to following Hello! Project. She also appears in her school's website.
OK, so I thought she was going back. But even if she isn't, seeing her 2010 face (and the fact that she seems to be doing very well) was enough for me.
I don't know if anyone else have noticed, but Maiha's face on the cover 2010-2011 is different from the pictures inside of it. The pictures inside (along with several images in the school's website) shows her having crooked teeth but her face in front clearly shows that it has been fixed. So I'm guessing that the cover photo was taken on a later date presumable after having some dental work done. She badly needed it too. Now she can flash her trademark dimpled smile and show her teeth.
Sometimes I wonder what a typical day might be for Tsugunaga Momoko. The helium-powered, vessel of pure energy is an Idol, a member of a main group (Berryz Kobo) and a sub-group (Buono!), has her own radio show (Tsugunaga Momoko Puri-Puri Princess), and is a student in a University (studying to become a teacher). On top of that, she has to go to rehearsals, events (solo or otherwise), tapings for DVD Magazines, vocal lessons, dance lessons, and on top of that, would have to tour.
On some photos posted by the other members in their Serend blog, Momo looks as if she was extremely tired. While photographs generally don't do much justice when it comes to the personal feelings of the individual idols, I think I can safely say that the load is causing her stress and fatigue. But considering that she still performs in her usual level and shows no sign of slowing down, I guess I should feel assured that Momo can pull it off like she normally does.
When I returned to following H!P, one of the first things that went into my mind is "Who the heck is that giant?" It took me exactly one minute to realize that the super-sized girl is Kumai Yurina.
When I stopped following H!P in 2005, Yurina (or Kumai-chan as she is fondly called) was just starting to hit her growth spurt. While I've noticed that a lot of Japanese kids suddenly shoot up in height at around 14 to 18 years of age, Kumai-chan's different because she grew taller every few months and there was a time that I think she grew several inches in a span of 6 months at least based on their pictures from 2005 to 2009 (sorry, I have no statistical records for the last 5 years to confirm this). It seems to me that her growth hormone hit over-drive and now we have basically the tallest active Hello! Project member and (quite possibly) the tallest of all time.
Nowadays, she's currently head and shoulders above everybody else. As in literally above every body else. She's easy to spot and for someone who's the second youngest in a group, her body is pretty mature.
Hold on to your horses gentlemen. She might look like a 20 year old but Kumai-chan is actually the second youngest in the group.
One of the things that sets this group apart is the stability of its line-up. Berryz Kobo has the most stable line-up in Hello! Project to date with only one member leaving for very legitimate reasons and no new additions.
For a man who formed the legendary Morning Musume, a group known for both their impact on the Japanese Idol industry and their notoriously unstable line-up, Tsunku held himself back and did not tamper with Berryz Kobo's roster. Another proof that Tsunku is still sane and knows what he is doing.
Honestly, I expected Tsunku to replace my Maiha after her graduation. The thought of her spot being given to someone else was pretty hard for me to bear but I didn't really turn my back on Hello! Project either. Maiha's graduation came at a time when it was getting hard for me to get updated on Hello! Project. I graduated college in 2005 and did not find work until 2007. That and the fact that I felt I was getting too emotional about something like an Idol's graduation made me want to take a break from following Hello! Project. In other words, I needed a reality check and to set my priorities in order.
Now that I am back, I am happy to see that the girls are still there sans Maiha. It took me a while to get used to their 2010 selves though, as part of me expected to see the little kids I used to watch. I guess part of the reason why Tsunku kept the line intact was because the group was better that way. Maiha's spot remained hers and hers alone. That is good enough for me, although I wouldn't mind it much if he eventually adds someone. I am way past throwing tantrums about it.
Speaking of Tsunku and Maiha, I read in scattered blogs and forums that Tsunku said in his blog that Maiha can return if she wants to after her studies are done. While I am happy about that bit of information, I was not able to see Tsunku's actual blog entry so I'm actually pretty reserved about it. Idols rarely return to a group they left from and since she left because she entered an elite school, there's a probability that she is aiming for a big University.
Besides, Maiha was a terrible dancer and a mediocre singer. Being off the stage for 5 years won't really improve her ability unless she joined a dance club and took voice lessons.
But hey, Michishige Sayumi is also a terrible dancer and a bad singer and she's in Morning Musume so there may be hope for Maiha after all. Heck, Sugaya Risako sings off-key during most of her live performances but she's given majority of the lines in a lot of songs.
And before Risako fans kill me, I wanna go on record to say I love that girl, but she still sings off-key during live performances. She's OK on the records though and her personality compensates for whatever difficulties she may have singing live. She remains as one of the most popular H!P members....
...but she still sings off-key. :P But Berryz Kobo will never be the same without her (besides, it's her we usually hear singing).
Going back to Maiha, I read somewhere that 'Tomodachi wa, Tomodachi Nanda!' was made for her.
Like the other Maiha related news I mentioned earlier, I haven't seen any official statement confirming this one. The song helped give them a number 3 ranking in Oricon: their highest yet. Moreover, the song feels like a message to Maiha.
Somewhere along the lines of "We're friends. Nothing can change that."
I want Sudo Maasa's movie real bad. However, since I am financially incapable of buying anything for the next 5 months (or until after I've paid for the PS3 I bought last November), the chances of me being able to buy the limited edition are slim.
Come to think of it, what I bought was a PS3 Slim. Damn.
But I am not losing hope that Dran and KIDS will immediately make a subbed version. OK, that's a lot pressure being put on wotas who make subtitles for these kinds of movies for us, but more than owning an original version, I'd like to be able to actually understand the story.
For me, understanding the story is the best way of complimenting Su-chan's efforts. The movie received generally positive reviews during it's short run in the theaters and it would be nice to watch a feel-good, well done Japanese teen-movie for a change.
Watch a good movie, support your idol, everybody is happy.
They call Maasa "the strongest Idol". While she was the strongest when they were younger (that Chisa video was really epic but I don't know if Maasa threw her down or playfully pushed her a little too hard) I don't know if it's still the case now.
That said, I saw a DVD video of them (not sure if it is a fan-club event...but yeah I think it IS a fan-club event) doing arm-wrestling. She destroyed Kumai Yurina in a matter of seconds. Quite a feat considering the uber-athletic Yajima Maimi took some time before dispatching Okai Chisato. Granted, even Momoko can hold her own against Kumai-chan, but given that the girls all try to avoid arm wrestling matches with Maasa proves that at least her reputation as the strongest is still intact.
I downloaded Yorosen!'s episode featuring Junjun "teaching" the Berryz regarding Train Station lunches. Now I understand why they call Junjun "panda".
While Yorosen! was unfairly labeled as a "failure" due in part because of C-ute's history segment (and the infamous 'Hitler Ojii-san'), I find the series generally appealing. There are a lot of fun moments and thankfully, a lot of them included the Berryz. "Games Master" Miya and Junjun's Train station bento ranks as one of the best (although I only saw Miya's games episode and not the whole week's segment).
Besides, the Japanese aren't really famous for being sensitive on matters relating to world history seeing as they still teach their own version to their school children. The only negative thing that I saw coming from this episode was the C-ute girls coming off as stupid or dumb on their own show. But the only people I'd call stupid AND dumb are the segment writers and the director for making the script and approving it respectively.
Thankfully, the Berryz episodes where OK. I did find Yurina's week a little boring but the first episode was epic (she came into the classroom wearing something 'fashionable' and the girls ended up too dumb-struck to speak. They can't even greet her straight).
Payday today! Not that it matters seeing as I'm gonna pay the bills anyway. But at least I can say that I had money for at least 24 hours.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Random Ramblings Volume 2
Seems like I made a mistake on my first "Random Ramblings" entry. Dran kindly pointed out that Berryz Kobo was not a "training unit" like I said but a group with a rotating lineup.
Don't blame me, I didn't even know until Dran pointed it out. In any case, what I said was what I actually knew about it. Anyway, Tsunku keeps on changing things a lot those times it was hard to keep track of what he was actually thinking.
And because of that, people think he was probably high on drugs when he made those decisions. Honestly I just think he was intent on trying on new things and we are all just thinking we know better.
And because he chose 4 new memebers for Morning Musume who have both talent and potential, I think that's a sign for everybody that wierd as he is, he is still - for the most part anyway - perfectly sane.
Takahashi Ai, leader of Morning Musume, will be graduating. At least, that's what was said in Hello! Online's 2011 WInter Concert thread. Already, people in 2ch nd Hello! Online are saying things like "H!P Wota Graduation".
That's unfair. Everyone who joins Hello! Project knows they're going to graduate sometime. Every wota (at least the perfectly sane ones) know that things like these happen. Abandoning H!P now because your favorite Musume is ending her period of being cute is silly since several girls also had to graduate before Ai became leader.
Besides, she's turning 25 in September. You'd think she'd get tired of acting cutesy at that age. Morning Musume has leaders before Ai. Be happy for her and deal with it.
Oh, and Gaki will be the next leader. Good luck with that. You will be basically in charge of the training of the newbies.
Judging on the Bijo Gaku special episode featuring the kyuukies, I could say that this Winter Tour seems to kick ass. Can't wait to have a copy of it.
Browsing through old videos in You Tube and because of that, I really wish that UFA bring back the old Sports Festivals. It will showcase the girls and their "sporty" sides plus give all those artists without much projects something to do.
If that happens Chisato will now have a chance to enact her revenge against Maimi. But of course, Maimi will probably win in the end....unless she's terribly out of shape in the running department (which may also be the case for the rest of them).
In the event that Chisa will lose (and she probably will), I bet she'll just have her revenge in another form. Like sprinkling something in Maimi's bento, this time probably salt or powdered wasabi, whichever is available.
Going back to Ai-chan's graduation, people are now worried that Berryz Kobo will eventually follow the same route.
Most of the members are aged 18. Captain is 19 and Momoko is turning 19 this year. So I guess they have a reason to be worried.
Eventually, everyone in Hello! Project has to leave one way or another. It's how it goes in the Idol industry. We can't change it. But one thing's for sure, these girls would have learned a lot from the experience.
But I don't think we should worry yet. Ai-chan will graduate this year, and she is 25. If the girls wanted, Berryz Kobo will stay for another 5 to 6 years or so.
I just hope they will graduate all at the same time. It's hard to follow a Berryz Kobo with new members. And I hope Maiha will also be in their graduation concert too.
A perfect ending to one of the most beloved and under-appreciated J-pop Idols of all time.
Don't blame me, I didn't even know until Dran pointed it out. In any case, what I said was what I actually knew about it. Anyway, Tsunku keeps on changing things a lot those times it was hard to keep track of what he was actually thinking.
And because of that, people think he was probably high on drugs when he made those decisions. Honestly I just think he was intent on trying on new things and we are all just thinking we know better.
And because he chose 4 new memebers for Morning Musume who have both talent and potential, I think that's a sign for everybody that wierd as he is, he is still - for the most part anyway - perfectly sane.
Takahashi Ai, leader of Morning Musume, will be graduating. At least, that's what was said in Hello! Online's 2011 WInter Concert thread. Already, people in 2ch nd Hello! Online are saying things like "H!P Wota Graduation".
That's unfair. Everyone who joins Hello! Project knows they're going to graduate sometime. Every wota (at least the perfectly sane ones) know that things like these happen. Abandoning H!P now because your favorite Musume is ending her period of being cute is silly since several girls also had to graduate before Ai became leader.
Besides, she's turning 25 in September. You'd think she'd get tired of acting cutesy at that age. Morning Musume has leaders before Ai. Be happy for her and deal with it.
Oh, and Gaki will be the next leader. Good luck with that. You will be basically in charge of the training of the newbies.
Judging on the Bijo Gaku special episode featuring the kyuukies, I could say that this Winter Tour seems to kick ass. Can't wait to have a copy of it.
Browsing through old videos in You Tube and because of that, I really wish that UFA bring back the old Sports Festivals. It will showcase the girls and their "sporty" sides plus give all those artists without much projects something to do.
If that happens Chisato will now have a chance to enact her revenge against Maimi. But of course, Maimi will probably win in the end....unless she's terribly out of shape in the running department (which may also be the case for the rest of them).
In the event that Chisa will lose (and she probably will), I bet she'll just have her revenge in another form. Like sprinkling something in Maimi's bento, this time probably salt or powdered wasabi, whichever is available.
Going back to Ai-chan's graduation, people are now worried that Berryz Kobo will eventually follow the same route.
Most of the members are aged 18. Captain is 19 and Momoko is turning 19 this year. So I guess they have a reason to be worried.
Eventually, everyone in Hello! Project has to leave one way or another. It's how it goes in the Idol industry. We can't change it. But one thing's for sure, these girls would have learned a lot from the experience.
But I don't think we should worry yet. Ai-chan will graduate this year, and she is 25. If the girls wanted, Berryz Kobo will stay for another 5 to 6 years or so.
I just hope they will graduate all at the same time. It's hard to follow a Berryz Kobo with new members. And I hope Maiha will also be in their graduation concert too.
A perfect ending to one of the most beloved and under-appreciated J-pop Idols of all time.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Random Ramblings....
The euphoria over the announcement of the 9th generation of Morning Musume has somewhat died down now. Now comes the "setting expectations" phase.
It's too early but people are already comparing their vocal talents against each other trying to find out who is the strongest singer/dancer. Relax folks, they haven't even sung yet.
There are high hopes for 9th gen member Sayashi Riho. It's not just because she can fairly sing and dance but because she can actually sing AND dance. The girl has talent...real pure talent. I've seen her dance in a video made in 2007 where she dances to Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" cheer-leader style. She's the shortest (and probably the youngest) in the group but you can see her bounce. She's a natural, no awkward movements and stuff you'd expect from a kid. Hopefully we see her more in action in 2011.
OK, so her singing voice is the weakest among the kyuukies, but it's still better than most of the H!P kids when they were her age. The H!P Kids sing like grade school children back then (which I find extremely adorable but can't deny it sounds like a nursery rhyme sometimes).
Oh wait, they actually were grade school children back then.
Fukumura Mizuki was chosen to be part of 9th gen out of Hello! Project Egg. Shows that Hello! Pro Egg actually does matter to Tsunku.
The choice of Mizuki wasn't a "go-figure-it-out" type of choice that Tsunku loves to make. The girl has proven herself as a member of Shugo Chara Egg! Yes, the same group that spawned S/mileage. Now that another Musume has spawned from their ranks, I think people should take them more seriously. Some of them are talented girls, just give them a chance.
Since Mizuki is the oldest of the 9th gen, would it be safe to say that should all things go smoothly, Mizuki is a potential leader? But considering that Michishige Sayumi is waiting in the wings, I'll keep myself from making bets this early.
I read a comment in a Youtube video showing Mizuki perform with Shugo Chara Egg! campaigning for one of them to be added to Berryz Koubou. Nice idea, but if Tsunku wanted to fill the vacant spot of Ishimura Maiha, he would have already done it a long time ago. Tinkering with the group dynamics at this point in time would be off the wall, even for someone like Tsunku. Besides, if he wanted to replace graduated/retired members, he would have added new ones to C-ute who lost 3 members already.
The age difference between the the 9th gen and their senpais is big. Takahashi Ai is 10 years older than Mizuki. I guess this is the time that Sayumi should feel really, really old.
I hope the finalists who were not chosen to be part of 9th gen be assigned to Hello! Project Egg. They have potential and managed to best thousands of other applicants to reach this far. With one Egg assigned to Morning Musume and another debuting as a soloist, the Eggs can use a shake-up too. Several of them can clearly debut and hold their own.
Speaking of the Eggs, it makes me think how underrated the Eggs are. Well, they are in training of course, but because of the years spent in training, they oftentimes become more sound on artistic fundamentals. Because as much of a Berryz fan that I am, S/mileage were better performers on their debut than Berryz Kobo was.
To be fair to my Berryz, they were supposed to be only a training group for the H!P Kids before their eventual appointment to Morning Musume or the existing sub-groups that time (Country Musume, Tanpopo, W, etc) or formation into new groups. For reasons that are still not yet clear to me, the original plan was dropped and Berryz Kobo was made into a permanent group and the remaining H!P Kids were reformed into a new unit that will eventually be called C-ute. Ironically, the group retained Kobo in their name, which can be translated to mean "workshop" which is equivalent to "training ground" or "school" depending on how it was used. Morning Musume continued to hold auditions and several of the sub-groups simply faded away.
Besides, H!P Eggs should be better upon debut - because if they were actually worse than the previous H!P groups then the Eggs should just fade away so that UFA can use all the money spent on their training into convincing Goto Maki that her career is currently going nowhere and that beating Koda Kumi is currently out of the question.
If you look at it in a certain way, Hello! Project Egg is the spiritual successor of Hello! Project Kids. Or at least, I think that's how H!P Kids should have been: a training ground for Idols to prepare them for their debut. There are several similarities between the two programs, first of which is the emphasis on "training" them for Idol careers. Second is the existence of a training unit (Berryz Kobo in H!P Kids and Shugo Chara Egg for H!P Egg). The difference being that H!P Kids were given DVDs and got to star in their own movie (2 at the last count and finely made ones at that) while the Eggs do significantly less work and more emphasis on training. Oh yeah, and Hello! Project Kids as a program was phased out. Everything was about the Eggs from 2004 thereon.
People are wondering why it took so long to have new auditions when Morning Musume is known for having rotating members. Well, look at it this way: having a cohesive and stable line-up makes the group better because the chemistry should be better and individual members can be developed properly with a proper senpai-kouhai relationship. While having rotating members is fine and helps in keeping the group "fresh", holding auditions every year is both impractical and counter-productive in the long term.
Impractical because any group wanting to succeed needs to have great chemistry plus the older members can properly train the younger ones. Counter-productive because the group will run the risk of being "devalued" in the industry wherein yearly auditions will open the way for too many members than what Hello! Project can actually support. Trying to beat AKB48 does not mean you should build an army like them.
On another note, I heard Tsunku is toying with the idea of building his own clone army. Great, now I would have to live with the idea of seeing 50 girls performing "Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance". Or better yet, he can combine Berryz Kobo and C-ute and throw in the eggs plus a whole lot of new girls from auditions and call them "Berry Many". Funny as it may seem, realizing that it's Tsunku I am talking about and his reputation for doing unexpected things for the heck of doing something unexpected, I guess I really shouldn't be laughing.
Shout out to the fellows in the Sudo Maasa thread in Hello! Online. The best sort of wotas I've ever seen!
It's too early but people are already comparing their vocal talents against each other trying to find out who is the strongest singer/dancer. Relax folks, they haven't even sung yet.
There are high hopes for 9th gen member Sayashi Riho. It's not just because she can fairly sing and dance but because she can actually sing AND dance. The girl has talent...real pure talent. I've seen her dance in a video made in 2007 where she dances to Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" cheer-leader style. She's the shortest (and probably the youngest) in the group but you can see her bounce. She's a natural, no awkward movements and stuff you'd expect from a kid. Hopefully we see her more in action in 2011.
OK, so her singing voice is the weakest among the kyuukies, but it's still better than most of the H!P kids when they were her age. The H!P Kids sing like grade school children back then (which I find extremely adorable but can't deny it sounds like a nursery rhyme sometimes).
Oh wait, they actually were grade school children back then.
Fukumura Mizuki was chosen to be part of 9th gen out of Hello! Project Egg. Shows that Hello! Pro Egg actually does matter to Tsunku.
The choice of Mizuki wasn't a "go-figure-it-out" type of choice that Tsunku loves to make. The girl has proven herself as a member of Shugo Chara Egg! Yes, the same group that spawned S/mileage. Now that another Musume has spawned from their ranks, I think people should take them more seriously. Some of them are talented girls, just give them a chance.
Since Mizuki is the oldest of the 9th gen, would it be safe to say that should all things go smoothly, Mizuki is a potential leader? But considering that Michishige Sayumi is waiting in the wings, I'll keep myself from making bets this early.
I read a comment in a Youtube video showing Mizuki perform with Shugo Chara Egg! campaigning for one of them to be added to Berryz Koubou. Nice idea, but if Tsunku wanted to fill the vacant spot of Ishimura Maiha, he would have already done it a long time ago. Tinkering with the group dynamics at this point in time would be off the wall, even for someone like Tsunku. Besides, if he wanted to replace graduated/retired members, he would have added new ones to C-ute who lost 3 members already.
The age difference between the the 9th gen and their senpais is big. Takahashi Ai is 10 years older than Mizuki. I guess this is the time that Sayumi should feel really, really old.
I hope the finalists who were not chosen to be part of 9th gen be assigned to Hello! Project Egg. They have potential and managed to best thousands of other applicants to reach this far. With one Egg assigned to Morning Musume and another debuting as a soloist, the Eggs can use a shake-up too. Several of them can clearly debut and hold their own.
Speaking of the Eggs, it makes me think how underrated the Eggs are. Well, they are in training of course, but because of the years spent in training, they oftentimes become more sound on artistic fundamentals. Because as much of a Berryz fan that I am, S/mileage were better performers on their debut than Berryz Kobo was.
To be fair to my Berryz, they were supposed to be only a training group for the H!P Kids before their eventual appointment to Morning Musume or the existing sub-groups that time (Country Musume, Tanpopo, W, etc) or formation into new groups. For reasons that are still not yet clear to me, the original plan was dropped and Berryz Kobo was made into a permanent group and the remaining H!P Kids were reformed into a new unit that will eventually be called C-ute. Ironically, the group retained Kobo in their name, which can be translated to mean "workshop" which is equivalent to "training ground" or "school" depending on how it was used. Morning Musume continued to hold auditions and several of the sub-groups simply faded away.
Besides, H!P Eggs should be better upon debut - because if they were actually worse than the previous H!P groups then the Eggs should just fade away so that UFA can use all the money spent on their training into convincing Goto Maki that her career is currently going nowhere and that beating Koda Kumi is currently out of the question.
If you look at it in a certain way, Hello! Project Egg is the spiritual successor of Hello! Project Kids. Or at least, I think that's how H!P Kids should have been: a training ground for Idols to prepare them for their debut. There are several similarities between the two programs, first of which is the emphasis on "training" them for Idol careers. Second is the existence of a training unit (Berryz Kobo in H!P Kids and Shugo Chara Egg for H!P Egg). The difference being that H!P Kids were given DVDs and got to star in their own movie (2 at the last count and finely made ones at that) while the Eggs do significantly less work and more emphasis on training. Oh yeah, and Hello! Project Kids as a program was phased out. Everything was about the Eggs from 2004 thereon.
People are wondering why it took so long to have new auditions when Morning Musume is known for having rotating members. Well, look at it this way: having a cohesive and stable line-up makes the group better because the chemistry should be better and individual members can be developed properly with a proper senpai-kouhai relationship. While having rotating members is fine and helps in keeping the group "fresh", holding auditions every year is both impractical and counter-productive in the long term.
Impractical because any group wanting to succeed needs to have great chemistry plus the older members can properly train the younger ones. Counter-productive because the group will run the risk of being "devalued" in the industry wherein yearly auditions will open the way for too many members than what Hello! Project can actually support. Trying to beat AKB48 does not mean you should build an army like them.
On another note, I heard Tsunku is toying with the idea of building his own clone army. Great, now I would have to live with the idea of seeing 50 girls performing "Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance". Or better yet, he can combine Berryz Kobo and C-ute and throw in the eggs plus a whole lot of new girls from auditions and call them "Berry Many". Funny as it may seem, realizing that it's Tsunku I am talking about and his reputation for doing unexpected things for the heck of doing something unexpected, I guess I really shouldn't be laughing.
Shout out to the fellows in the Sudo Maasa thread in Hello! Online. The best sort of wotas I've ever seen!
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