Sunday, December 26, 2010

What the eff?

I can't access Hello! Online buy my internet is working fun.

What the eff is going on?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Article

After years of procrastinating I have finally opened my own blog. People have been asking me to make a blog for years but I find it difficult to start mainly because I am not sure I am the blogging type anyway. I mean, I can totally spew random stuff that people sometimes find hard to digest (you'll find out later on) and oftentimes, the blogs I go into are cool.

And cool is like the opposite of me....

Anyway, hopefully I can put out interesting stuff. It's now or never.....


Thanks to Garlix and Dran for making me choose Blogger. Partly because their blogs are here so if I would like to comment on their posts, I need to open an account.