Tuesday, May 31, 2011

S/mileage New Member Audition

It's been 2 days since the announcement of the audition for S/mileage's new members and it's funny to see the things being said in the audition's own thread in Hello! Online.

As expected, there were varied reactions from different fans ranging from excitement to outrage, many taking cue at the member's supposed reactions to this totally unexpected news.

While I (no stranger to Tsunku's head scratching methods) was surprised by it myself, I still shake my head at some of the reactions posted. Those reactions are of course normal and every fan is free to express their feelings. However, sometimes I find it hard how people tend to get worked up over something as trivial as this.

I tried to collect as much reactions as I can, place them in a question/statement form and give my own take. OK, let's begin shall we?

1. The group's reaction to the announcement is a hostile rejection towards additions being made.

- We don't know that. We don't know what they exactly feel. We only have their reactions which is of course, one of disbelief. Any honest to goodness reaction would be 'sanitized' by the UFA or cleaned up for public viewing. They are in no position to be hostile to the new members lest the lose their jobs.

2. What the F were the people in UFA thinking?

- Like number 1, we don't know that. Yet we can't presume to know better than them unless we can claim that we have experience managing an idol group.

3. "C'mon you girls, you can run to Avex and get signed there before the audition ends!"

- If the girls resign from UFA and transfer to Avex, they could not bring the name S/mileage wth them. Also, they could not perform their old songs unless UFA agrees to. Besides, it is unlikely that they will put their careers in jeopardy with something like that.

4. This is a dick move by Tsunku or UFA

- Just one in a long list of "dick moves" by Tsunku, UFA or whoever people want to blame for something they don't agree upon. Adding a new member is totally the agency's prerogative and is perfectly legal unless someone in the group gets fired for no reason.

5. It's a giant smack to their faces if a random girl they do not know, with no background training got in.

- That's what usually happens in Morning Musume auditions but they all turned out just fine. Suzuki Kanon and Ikuta Erina both had no prior experience before they joined Morning Musume, yet they currently have more fans than Linlin - a former Egg - had in all her years in the group. Point is, this is their job and if someone gets added to the group, the girls must learn not to take it personally.

6. It's terrible for the group dynamic.

- That will depend on the members themselves. An addition of a new member alters the chemistry and over-all flow of the group. If the whole group must adjust to having a new member/s. It comes with the job.

7. I fear the 4 will do all they can to show the shinmem(s) they're unwelcome or even force her/them to quit.

- That would be very unprofessional of them! But honestly speaking, they cannot bully the new members or suffer the wrath of Tsunku/UFA who are proven not to hesitate to fire a troublemaker even though that troublemaker is a fan favorite (Kago Ai anyone?). Bullying has been a problem in Japanese high schools and will definitely not be tolerated in H!P.

8. Tsunku should stop managing girls 'cause he can't; he should restrict himself to music/lyrics/PV duties or perhaps go back to perform singing with his Sharanq

- Tsunku does not manage any of the groups and artists in UFA. He is their producer. Think of a Senior Executive in a company and you get the picture. He puts his stamp of approval on most things but he does not handle the girls himself. He does interfere every now and then but as to the decisions regarding costumes, adding or removing a member or other 'serious matters' there's got to be approval or at least an endorsement from the upper management.

9. 'I don't approve'

- Too bad you're not in UFA.

10. 'Slightly worried how the line distribution will go'

- The only people having problems with line distribution are the fans. Besides, it's an H!P wide 'problem'.

11. 'I think the problem isn't with the members though, I think it is in the way they are marketed, managed and promoted'

- The girls are currently the 'cute childish group' of the UFA and are being marketed that way. Berryz Kobo used to have that image and they are now doing quite well with songs to match their actual age range. As to promotion, that has never been the strongest suit of UFA. I'm not going to blame their manager for something their producer and the upper management has decided though.

If you look at these reactions, you'll see that most of them were made out of their bias and preference for the 4-member line up. That in itself is not a bad thing. But I think we must all remember that the addition of new members to any group is something that the management feels the need to address and they have done so.

It is important to note that we currently have no idea how this will work out so instead of crying in outrage how UFA/Tsunku suck, why don't we just wait and see how things work out?

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